Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution - 897 Words

During the early 1800’s the Industrial Revolution in England was seen as an improvement to society. Before the revolution began most products such as clothing, were handmade and mostly done in people’s homes with basic machinery. The revolution gave birth to factories were machines that were able to produce a large amount of goods to be manufactured in a shorter amount of time without human error. Providing a great amount of jobs for people, improvement in the countries transportation, and communication with other countries. To some this would see m like an improvement to society however this paper will argue that The Industrial Revolution in England negatively changed lives of the working class. The Industrial Revolution was a period in†¦show more content†¦Additionally, children were faster and full of energy whereas the adults would slow down and take longer to complete the job. With the Industrial Revolution came huge growth in the population of British cities. With there not being enough space for all these new people, factory owners built Tenements. With few building regulations, the owners built the houses cheap and fast. Figure1, in this photograph you can see the poor living conditions of the factory workers. With there being only one room for eight people to share, the bedroom and the kitchen is combine all in one living space. Badly maintained apartments without hot water or an actually bathroom, people would have to use a bucket and depose the waste into the street. Due to all the waste in the street, it was hard to avoid stepping in it and tracing it back into their homes. Many of the apartment were filled with a large amount of people with only two beds to sleep in. Most people would have to share a bed or sleep on the floor. These were some of the unfortunate living condition most people during this era had to endure. Health became a major problem during the industrial revolution in England. With terrible living conditioning many of the workers began to get sick. According to C.N Trueman â€Å"disease accounted for many deaths in industrial cities with a chronic lack of hygiene diseases such as cholera, typhoid and typhus.† An outbreak of diseasesShow MoreRelatedIndustrial Revolution Impact on the French Revolution1310 Words   |  6 PagesThe French Revolution was influenced by previous events. The idea of treating everyone equally was a cutting-edge view in the eighteenth century. Also novel was the notion that people in the lower social stratum should obtain access to commodities previously reserved for only the upper class. This cultural change for the majority of the populace, focused on promoting the ownership of manufactured goods, also impacted the French Revolution. 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